1. Thee brainteaser features three boxes, each with a drawing of a car on the outside. 谜题给出了三个盒子,每一个盒子外面都画着一辆车。
2. Problem solves must work out which number each fruit piece symbolizes in order to crack the brainteaser. 为了获得最终结果,解题者必须找出这三种水果各自代表的数字。
3. If you fill in squares correctly, options for the remaining ones are narrowed and it becomes easier to solve this brainteaser. 如果你正确地填充了方框,剩余的选择范围会缩小同时解决这个难题也就越简单。
4. This is essentially a brainteaser to test how you would think through tough questions, said James Reed, author of Why you? 101 Interview questions you'll Never Fear Again. 《为什么你对101个面试问题永不担心?》这篇文章的作者詹姆斯·里德说,这类问题本质上属于脑筋急转弯类的问题,用这类问题来测试面试者如何思考这类很棘手的问题。
5. Mr Hellman's film, the mirror image of that other "Road to Nowhere", is a clever brainteaser, but the greatest pleasures it affords are its moment-to-moment marvels of atmosphere and performance. 赫尔曼先生的电影,仿佛是镜子中的那个她。“无果之路”是一个巧妙的谜题,最好的地方在于每时每刻都能给人以惊喜。