1. For the past week they have endured torrential rain and outbreaks of diarrhoea to bring the capital, Kathmandu, and the rest of the country, to a halt. 在过去的一周,在首都加德满都和该国其他地区持续一周的暴雨袭击以及群体性腹泻事件刚刚停止。
2. Toyota faces a shortage of 30 components. That is much better than the 500 it lacked shortly after the quake, but it only takes one missing part to bring an assembly line stuttering to a halt. 丰田汽车现面临30种零件的短缺,虽然现在比地震发生不久时缺少500种零件时的情形好了不少,但缺少一种零件就能让汽车装配线陷入瘫痪。
3. Too much interaction and too much coordination between team members can easily bring progress to a virtual halt. 团队成员之间过多的交流和过多的协调,可以很容易的带来开发的停滞。
4. If he wants to bring everywhere to a grinding halt and to plunge us into a new dark age, he is on the right track. 如果他想让各处都停止运转,让我们跨入一个新的黑暗时代,那他就做对了。
5. That would bring the German growth engine to a sudden halt. The threat to one of the world's leanest and largest economies is a major reason world markets are now in turmoil. 德国是世界最高效、最庞大的经济体之一,而它现在面临着上述威胁,这正是全球市场震荡不休的主要原因之一。