1. As we all know by now, these theories of doom are bunkum. 大家现在都清楚这些宿命论是胡说八道的,毫无科学根据。
2. This emphasis on "teamwork"is bunkum-a conspiracy of the mediocre majority. 这种强调「团队合作」的论调其实是欺人之谈—是平凡庸碌之辈的阴谋。
3. Given a surfeit of green PR bunkum, it is not easy to know whether they mean what they say. 考虑到过量绿色公关废话的存在,要辨别它们是否说到做到其实并不容易。
4. He spun this fancy tale about how this beautiful maiden saved his life, but it was all bunkum. 美丽少女挽救了他的性命只不过是他编造出来的美丽童话,全都是骗人的。
5. After a number of years trying to communicate with her through spiritualists, he gave up - deciding the whole thing was bunkum. 在尝试和母亲用精神交流一些年后,他放弃了——认为这整件事是骗人的。