1. Voters opted by a whisker for Mr. Dayton, who had promised to balance the books in part by raising taxes on the richest 10% of Minnesotans. 选民们以微弱优势选择了戴顿先生。戴顿曾承诺提高10%的最富有的明尼苏达人的税收,从而在一定程度上实现收支平衡。
2. At Valencia I missed the third position by a whisker. 在瓦伦西亚,我仅以微弱劣势丢掉了第三的位置。
3. You escaped serious injury by a whisker, so consider yourselves very lucky. 你差一点就受重伤,你应该觉得自己很幸运。
4. Pippa had won silver in Equestrian in Sydney, missing the gold only by a whisker. 皮帕在悉尼曾经赢得了一枚马术的银牌,当时她距离金牌仅仅有一步之遥。
5. Like the cheetahs and pumas in North America, the tiger slipped through by a whisker. 就像北美的猎豹与美洲狮一样,老虎逃过一劫。