1. My research focuses on the byways of children's literature. 我的研究专注于儿童文学中的生僻领域。
2. He wandered helplessly through the labyrinthine byways of modern literature. 他在现代文学错综复杂的冷僻领域无助地徘徊着。
3. This is probably an unwelcome surprise to those not conversant with the narrow byways of Wall Street. 对于不熟悉华尔街这个小圈子的人来说,这种出乎意料的变化可能让他们不快。
4. In the ten years since hybrid electric vehicles first hit the highways and byways of America, they have come to represent 2.5% of new car sales. 从十年前混合动力车第一次在美洲的高速干道和荒野小径上风驰电掣以来,已经占有新车销售市场份额的2.5%之多。
5. Top universities were overwhelmed by the 24% of A-level applicants sporting indistinguishable straight As; newer ones are beating the byways for bodies. 顶尖大学申请者人满为患,其中成绩清一色全a的A级生比例高达24%;新兴大学则为生源争得头破血流。