1. Sam couldn't find the can opener in the kitchen. 山姆在厨房找不到开瓶器。
2. I often tell hazel that when she gets married i'll just give her a can opener and she can set up housekeeping with that . 我常跟海子说,她结婚的时候,我就送给她一个罐头起子,她就能用这个管理家务了。
3. Only after watching five Youtube videos on how to use a manual can opener did I notice the pull-tab on the top of the ravioli can. 我在Youtube上搜了5个视频看究竟怎么用这玩意,然后才发现罐子上是有拉环的。
4. This design is both a can opener and 30ml mixer that can open bottles of beer or mix the perfect drink for your holiday festivities. 这项设计集一个开瓶器和30毫升容量混合器皿于一身。它既可开酒瓶,同时还可以为你的假日庆祝调和出美酒哦!
5. Buy a can of beans (my preference is black or kidney) with an easy open top. (If not available, buy the can of beans and a can opener.) 买个易拉罐装的豆子(我喜欢黑色的腰子形的)。