1. I really appreciate Mr. Su's candidness on his faith and the practical benefit of faith. 我非常感谢苏先生对信仰和信仰的实际利益的坦诚。
2. This candidness can cause problems in their relationships with their peers or loved ones. 这坦率可能会导致与他们的同龄人的关系问题或亲人。
3. I'm expecting an interesting afternoon session. I hope my candor and candidness will match your vigor and vitality. 所以,我很高兴能有机会跟在座各位朋友坦诚交流,进行思想上的碰撞,希望我们之间能够擦出火花,让今天下午的活动生动有趣,像你们一样富于活力。
4. Her writing style, while loose, has an endearing quality of candidness, as if to say, 'Look, here's my life, and it's no different from yours. 她的写作风格虽然随意,却有一种惹人喜爱的直率,好像是在跟读者说:看,这就是我的生活,和你们的生活没什么不同。
5. Even though I just barely finished 1/3 of the book, I have to admit again I was impressed by his candidness , integrality and passion towards technology. 即使我勉强完成了1 / 3本书,我不得不再次承认我留下了深刻印象,他坦率,完整性和热情,对技术。