1. As before, it's up to you to provide the caption. 像以前一样,由您来提供一个标题。
2. Each level should have exactly one caption attribute. 每个级别都应该有一个标题属性。
3. This week, we intend to put this theory to the test by asking you, our readers, to write a caption for this picture. 本周,我们打算请您,我们的读者朋友,为这张图片撰写一条标题以检验这一理论。
4. The local paper featured me standing on a stepladder with a caption, "Wendy climbs the ladder to success." 当地的报纸刊登了一幅我站在活梯上的特写,下面写着:“温迪登上了成功之梯。”
5. There is a caption under the picture. 图片下边附有说明。