1. For him, the netsuke, so small and captivating, were not enough as a mere signpost to family history. 对他而言,这小巧迷人的吊坠并不能够作为仅仅是家族史的路标来看待。
2. One of the most captivating natural events of the year in many areas throughout North America is the turning of the leaves in the fall. 北美许多地区一年中最迷人的自然现象之一是秋天树叶的变色。
3. Taylor's violet eyes, white skin, and raven hair may be captivating on their own, but Etcoff said that it was the combination of them that boosted her allure. 泰勒蓝紫色的眼睛、白皙的皮肤和乌黑的头发本身就颇为迷人,但艾科夫说,正是这三种特质的结合增添了她的魅力。
4. He found her captivating. 他发觉她很迷人。
5. From there on, the remaining chapters are captivating natural history, arranged in neatly named sections: "fluff", how feathers keep birds warm and dry. 从那开始,剩下的章节都是引人入胜的自然史,以巧妙命名的章节排列:“绒毛”,羽毛如何让鸟类保持温暖而干燥。