1. Formal price-fixing by cartel and informal price-fixing by agreements covering the members of an industry are commonplace. 通过卡特尔进行的正式价格垄断,以及通过涵盖行业成员的协议进行的非正式价格垄断,都是司空见惯的。
2. He acted as a frontman for a drugs cartel. 他给一个毒品集团当掩护。
3. Drug cartel assassins cut off his head. 前任警长被谋杀,贩毒组织割掉了她的头。
4. Instead of the old monopoly, a new cartel now holds sway. 新的垄断集团取代了旧的,依然占据着支配地位。
5. Police detained five alleged drug cartel gunmen in the raid. 在搜捕中,警察捕获了五名疑为贩毒集团成员的持枪歹徒。