1. This is strange indeed, when your eyes have been reproaching them every day for in cautiousness. 这就实在怪了,你的目光不是每天都在责备他俩轻率吗?
2. He thought that the culture of forestallment including austereness, plain and cautiousness in life. 而早服的功夫中,老子认为节俭、朴素、谨慎的生活习惯是至为重要的。
3. If Europe's leaders want to incentivise risk monitoring, those investors should be rewarded for their cautiousness. 如果欧洲各国领导人欲鼓励风险控制,就需要向谨慎行事的投资者提供奖励。
4. Therefore, in the process of finding mistakes, we are also shaping our characteristics of carefulness and cautiousness and strengthen our capacity of observation. 因此,在发现错误的过程中,我们同时也在形成细心谨慎的性格,加强我们的观察能力。
5. His followers Johann Kaspar Spurzheim and George Combe divided the scalp into areas they labeled with traits such as combativeness, cautiousness, and form perception. 其门生斯珀津姆和库姆将头皮分区,分别贴上标签,表明好斗、谨慎和形成知觉。