1. The rooms have all been ceiled beautifully. 这些房间装上了漂亮的天花板。
2. A new, freely ceiled cassette ceiling covers the ground floor area without using any intermediate pillars. 一个新的、直接的天花夹层覆盖了一层的地面,值得一提的是,这个天花不需要任何的柱子支撑。
3. The bare vaulting of trees along the Mall was ceiled with lapis lazuli, and arched above snow that shone like splintered crystals. 碧蓝的天空衬托着林阴大道上那些树木光秃秃的圆顶,树顶下面的残雪像无数水晶碎片熠熠闪光。
4. There was a large, low-ceiled room, with clacking, rattling machines at which men in white shirt sleeves and blue gingham aprons were working. 那是个天棚很低的大房间,里面排列着发出隆隆声响的机器。