1. The first celebrants of Groundhog Day were Pennsylvania Dutch who used the holiday as an excuse to get together and party. 第一批参加土拨鼠日庆典的人就是宾夕法尼亚荷兰人,他们利用这个节日聚会举行派对。
2. Celebrants wore costumes, mostly skins and animal heads, and danced around bonfires. 参加庆典的人们穿上动物的皮毛和头颅做成的服装,围着篝火舞蹈。
3. Celebrants demanded food ale and COINS from their neighbors and mocked those who wouldn't comply. 参加庆典的人向他们的邻居索要食物,麦芽啤酒和钱,并对那些小气的人大加揶揄。
4. The resulting powder is then ready to be tossed by celebrants of India's colorful Holi festival. 其结果是干粉末然后准备投掷到司仪神父为印度的富有色彩的胡里节。
5. But at prayer times, differences among the celebrants in front of Benghazi's court-house do emerge. 但是在祷告时间,在班加西法院前主持仪势者之间出现了差异。