2. Go to the library on weekends? You are a certifiable bookworm. 周末还去图书馆?你真是一个无可救药的书呆子。
3. In some cases, the assessment may show that the product is not certifiable. 在某些情况下,评估可能显示产品不能被认证。
4. Non-certifiable: Agencies generally do not approve, recommend, or validate particular solutions. 非担保性: 代理商一般不赞成、推荐,或确认某种方案。
5. Packing on field is certifiable only if it concerns final packing and last human contact during the process. 如果田间包装是终包装产品并且是加工中的最后一道工序,只有在这种情况下田间包装的产品才可认证。