2. In China, many upscale buyers have chauffeurs and drive on their own only on weekends. 在中国,许多高阶层的买家都有私人司机,只在周末才会自己开车。
3. Running underneath the building is an approach road for taxis, coaches and board members' chauffeurs. 在建筑下方有一条接驳道路,为出租车、客车和接送董事会成员的专车服务。
4. Now Didi's platform offers ridesharing, private buses, and even Friday night chauffeurs who drive your own car if you've had too much to drink. 如今滴滴还提供拼车和私人巴士服务,周五晚上车主饮酒过多无法开车时,也可以通过平台找到代驾的司机。
5. Although many taxi drivers and chauffeurs have extremely flexible schedules and generally work unsupervised, the job still ranks near the bottom. 尽管很多出租车司机和雇员有柔性的工作日程和不受监督,但是,这个工作处于社会底部。