1. The extrudates appear a sponge structure, and have the chewiness properties of meat. The results of scanning electron micrograph show t... 挤出物呈多孔膨松结构,并且具有类似畜肉的韧性和咀嚼感。
2. You should note that there are different sections of tripe (I'm talking beef tripe now), of varying textures and degree of coarseness and chewiness . 你应该注意到有瘤胃,改变质地和粗糙度和咀嚼的度的不同的部分。
3. Significant differences on starch gel fracture-force, Chewiness, and hardness, gene have no influence on other parameter in western Australian varieties (lines). 西澳面条小麦品种淀粉凝胶破碎力、咀嚼性及硬度在品种之间达到显著或极显著性差异,其它参数在品种间无显著性差异。