1. The larger, less fastidious feeders, the zebras, move in first; the choosier, smaller wildebeests come later; and the smallest species of all, Thomson's gazelle, arrives last. 体型较大、不太挑食的斑马最先进入;比较挑剔、身材苗条的牛羚随后出现;而最小的汤姆逊瞪羚,则落在最后。
2. They are also choosier about wages and working conditions. 但是现今工厂的许多工人却比他们的父辈有了更大的抱负,他们也对工资和工作环境更为挑剔。
3. Dogs often seem to love everybody, but cats are choosier. 狗见谁爱谁,但猫却不一样。
4. And in future they may be choosier about who they lend to, directly or indirectly. 也许在将来,他们会直接或者间接地慎重选择他们的借贷对象。
5. Evolutionary psychologists have long believed that are choosier about men than men are about women. 进化论心理学家早就认为,女人对于汉子的抉剔远比汉子对于女人的抉剔要多。