1. This emInently reasonable measure, which is In operation In most contInental countries, met with a chorus of disapproval In our country. 这种十分合理的措施正在大多数大陆国家中实施,却在我国遭到了异口同声的反对。
2. Yes, she has joined the chorus of disapproval-and that in itself might surprise a few diehards who think that Africans should just be grateful for the aid and shut up. 没错,她加入了反对之声——这一举动本身可能让坚贞不渝的援助支持人士吃惊不小:他们以为非洲人就应该感激涕零,“无言以对”。
3. Yes, she has joined the chorus of disapproval-and that in itself might surprise a few diehards who think that Africans should just be grateful for the aid and shut up. 不错,她加入了异口同声的反对意见中——而且她的行为本身就可能使少数认为非洲人应该仅仅对援助感激而且闭口的守旧派人士感到惊讶。