1. Why does the last man chug out of a shoe? 为什么最后一个人从鞋里蹦出来?
2. These cheerful little trams, dating back to 1873, chug and sway up the towering hills with bells ringing and people hanging from every opening. 这些令人欢快的小缆车建于1873年,在高耸的山峦上嘎嘎作响,摇曳起伏。车上铃儿叮当作响,每个窗口都有人。
3. He can really chug his beer. 他可能一口气喝掉他的啤酒。
4. Small motorboats chug out of the harbor. 小摩托艇轧轧地驶出海港。
5. Why does the last guy chug out of a shoe? 为什么最后一个人拿着一个靴子呢?。