1. Method for transmitting data between split type terminal mainframe and handset includes: split type terminal mainframe generates register cipher key which is sent to handset by bluetooth technology; 所述 分体式终端的主机和子机之间数据传输的方法,包括:分体式终端的主机生成 注册密钥,通过蓝牙技术将所述注册密钥发送至子机;
2. RC4 is a stream cipher algorithm operating on each byte of data; like the RC2, it supports key lengths of 40 bits, 64 bits, and 128 bits. RC 4是一个流密码算法,它对数据的每个字节进行操作;和RC 2一样,它支持长度为40位、64位和128位的密钥。
3. It then passes the extracted Base 64 encoded cipher value, the decryption key, and the algorithm name to a method named decrypt (examined in Cryptography). 接着它将抽取出的用Base 64编码的密码值、解密密钥以及算法名称传递给名为Decrypt的方法(见密码术中的研究)。
4. The key and the plain text are processed together according to the DES algorithm to produce the encrypted (cipher text) form of the plain text data. 根据des算法对密钥和纯文本统一处理以生成一个加密的(密文)形式的纯文本数据。
5. Key: Key is a means of converting a plain-text into cipher-text and vice versa. 密钥:密钥是一种在明文与密文之间相互转换的方式。