1. This is a really important point-that we humans co-evolve with our tools. 这就是真正的要点所在:我们人类是与我们手中的工具同步进化的。
2. So animals and passenger herpesviruses have had more than 100 million years to co-evolve. 所以动物和寄居疱疹病毒已经拥有了1亿多年的共进化史。
3. Over time, the emergency fund could evolve into an institution that improves the euro area's fiscal co-ordination. 假以时日,这个紧急基金就能演化为促进欧元区财政协作的机构。
4. Likewise, we could belong in a galactic ecosystem, where alien civilizations compete for resources, co-exist and evolve accordingly. 当然我们也可能是银河系星际生态系统的一份子,在这个大型的生态系统里,我们与其他文明种族在同一片星空下争夺资源、谋求进化。
5. The research aims to try and investigate more complex co-evolution between species, where two different animals evolve complimentary behaviours. 这项调查意在尝试调查种群间更复杂的协同进化关系——那种两种动物进化出互惠互利的举动。