1. This cologne, like wine, improves with age. 这种科隆香水像葡萄酒一样越陈越香。
2. Cologne is not so very far downriver from Mainz. 科隆离美因茨的下游处不远。
3. This delightfully refreshing cologne can be splashed on liberally. 这种清爽怡人的古龙香水可以尽情喷洒。
4. Unlike Prague, Gothenburg, Cologne or Nice, Genoa is expected to be Europe's Seattle, the coming together of the disparate strands of resistance to corporate globalisation. 与布拉格、哥德堡、科隆或尼斯不同,热那亚有望成为欧洲的西雅图,将各种迥然不同的抵制企业全球化的力量汇聚在一起。