1. He programmed his computer to compare the 1,431 possible combinations of pairs in this population. 他给他的计算机编了程来比较这些人中1431种可能的成对组合。
2. Native speakers can distinguish between grammatical and ungrammatical sentences even when they have never heard particular combinations before. 母语使用者可以分辨符合语法规则和不符合语法规则的句子,即使他们以前从没有听过这些特定的词语组合。
3. And just with various combinations of those five colors, they can recreate any color in their environment? 仅仅通过这五种颜色的不同组合,它们就能变成和周围环境一样的颜色吗?
4. Primates specialise in savoring the many millions of flavor combinations that they can create for their mouths. 灵长类动物特别擅长于为它们的嘴巴创造数百万种不同的味道组合。
5. Volcanic island species are all transplants from distant locations and exist in combinations not found elsewhere. 火山岛物种都是从遥远的地方移植过来的,它们的组合在其他地方是找不到的。