1. I beckoned him daily with a variety of comestibles, although sugar worked best. 我每天都用各种食物来引诱它,不过糖最奏效了。
2. According to Danone, Wahaha is making and selling POTS of yoghurt and other comestibles to erstwhile clients of the venture without putting a penny in the joint cash-till. 达能表示,娃哈哈在生产酸奶及其它食品,并将其售予合资企业从前的客户,而收入丝毫未由双方共同分享。
3. According to danone wahaha is making and selling POTS of yoghurt and other comestibles to erstwhile clients of the venture without putting a penny in the joint cash-till. 达能表示,娃哈哈在生产酸奶及其它食品,并将其售予合资企业从前的客户,而收入丝毫未由双方共同分享。