1. You have been so prompt in carrying out all these commissions. 你执行所有这些任务非常迅速。
2. New York City's Planning Commissions rejected the builder's proposals. 纽约市市政规划委员会拒绝了那个建筑商的提案。
3. If the bills become law, state boards and commissions will be required to set aside 50 percent of board seats for women. 如果该法案成为法律,各州的董事会和委员会将被要求为女性留出百分之五十的席位。
4. A pair of bills sponsored by Massachusetts state Senator Jason Lewis and House Speaker Pro Tempore Patricia Haddad, to ensure "gender parity" on boards and commissions, provide a case in point. 马萨诸塞州参议员贾森·刘易斯和众议院临时议长帕特丽夏·哈达德为确保董事会和委员会中的 “性别平等” 而提出的两项议案就是一个很好的例子。
5. In the meantime, the court threw out the FCC's attempt to block all state rules on net neutrality, while preserving the commissions' power to preempt individual state laws that undermine its order. 与此同时,最高法院驳回了联邦通信委员会试图阻止所有州关于网络中立性的规定的企图,同时保留了委员会先发制人的权力,以防止个别州的法律破坏它的秩序。