1. It's much easier compared with last time. 这与上次相比容易得多。
2. My own problems seem insignificant compared with other people's. 与别人的问题相比,我自己的问题算不得什么。
3. His fee is a drop in the ocean compared with the real cost of broadcasting. 他的费用与广播的实际成本相比是沧海一粟。
4. Profits have risen by 15 per cent compared with the corresponding period last year. 与去年同期相比利润增长了15%。
5. His economic team is minor-league compared with the heavy hitters such as Robert Rubin who advised Bill Clinton. 和诸如罗伯特·鲁宾这类为比尔·克林顿出谋划策的显赫人物相比,他的经济顾问组显得有些逊色。