1. Japan's prime minister-designate is completing his cabinet today. 日本即将上任的首相今天将完成他的内阁组建。
2. We believe the time and hard work involved in completing such an assignment are worthwhile. 我们相信为完成这项任务所需要投入的时间和付出的努力是值得的。
3. Dr. Classen is just now completing his last business in Frankfurt. 克拉森医生正在法兰克福完成他的最后一项工作。
4. Its flattened shape implies that Iapetus once spun very quickly, completing a rotation in 16 hours. 它扁平的形状意味着土卫八曾经旋转得非常快,完成一次自转需要16个小时。
5. Some amphibians adapt to arid environments by completing accelerated development with resting stages deep underground. 一些两栖动物通过在地下深处的休眠期内完成加速发育以适应干旱环境。