1. Audrey Hepburn composes a letter in a palm grove. She loved nature and preferred gardening and the quiet life to the glamourous parties of Hollywood. 赫本在一片平静的树林里写信。赫本喜欢自然,相比好莱坞奢华的舞会,她更喜欢园艺和平静生活。
2. Unlike the song sparrow, which repeats one of its several song types in bouts before switching to another, the warbler continuously composes much longer and more variable songs without repetition. 北美歌雀在切换到另一种类型之前,会一声一声地重复其中的一种,与之不同的是,北美歌雀会连续地创作更长的、更多变的歌曲,而不会重复。
3. He teaches music and also composes. 他教音乐,也作曲。
4. He writes his own scripts and composes the scores. 他自己编写剧本并为之配乐。
5. MEF composes deep object hierarchies of components. MEF可以组合组件中的深层次对象结构。