1. A harvest of the shoots would remove the toxic compounds off site to be burned or composted to recover the metal for industrial uses. 收割下来的枝叶会将有毒的化合物转移到远离这片区域的地方,它们将被焚烧或者用作堆肥,回收金属物质用于工业用途。
2. Any scraps are composted. 废料都制成堆肥。
3. She composted the flower-beds yesterday. 她昨天给花坛施加了堆肥。
4. But, not all organic items should be composted for the home. 不过,并非所有的项目应有机堆肥的家园。
5. Of times, but when you're done with them, they can be composted. 时期,但是,当您做与他们时,他们能堆肥。