1. Devoted concertgoers who reply that recordings are no substitute for live performance are missing the point. 那些回答说录音不能代替现场表演的忠实音乐会观众,没有抓住问题的关键。
2. Ideal user: Music addicts, hipsters, concertgoers, file hoarders, people who often jump between Mac and PC. 理想用户:沉迷于音乐的人,赶时髦的人,常参加音乐会的人,喜欢囤文件的人,经常在PC和Mac之间切换的人。
3. In the meantime, concertgoers eagerly anticipate another feast of musical magic from his talented bow and awesome repertoire. 同时,每位爱乐者都将引领企盼下一场魔力音乐的飨宴,再次领略他绝伦的拉弓风采及精湛的曲目表演。
4. It's far from clear that free MP3s increase the number of concertgoers, instead of just changing the mix of shows they attend. 我们不是很清楚,是免费的MP3,还是他们参加的音乐会节目组合的变化,增加了听音乐会的人数。
5. In addition to 34 individual works by Liszt, concertgoers will hear music of Haydn, Brahms, Bruckner, Mendelssohn and Verdi, among others. 除了李斯特的34个人作品,爱乐者将听到海顿,勃拉姆斯,布鲁克纳,门德尔松和威尔第等人的音乐。