1. When he closed his eyes, he could conjure up in exact colour almost every event of his life. 一闭上眼睛,他就能真真切切地回忆起他生命中几乎每一件事情。
2. The mere mention of the words "heart failure" can conjure up, to the layman, the prospect of imminent death. 一提到“心力衰竭”几个字,外行人就会想到立即死亡。
3. His product launches, at which he would stand alone on a black stage and conjure up an "incredible" new electronic gadget in front of an awed crowd, were the performances of a master showman. 在他的产品发布会上,他独自站在黑色的舞台上,在充满敬畏的观众面前变出一个“不可思议”的新电子产品,这是一场大师级的表演。
4. Could he conjure up the evil one? 他能够变出魔鬼吗?
5. So how does the brain conjure up gods? 那么,我们的大脑是如何造出神灵的呢?