1. Have you finished your report, Constable? 警察,你的报告完成了吗?
2. The old sexist positions are being challenged everyday by the female pilots flying fast jets to the female constable pounding the beat in your local town. 从驾驶着快速喷气式飞机的女飞行员到在当地城镇大展身手的女警察,旧的性别主义立场每天都在受到挑战。
3. By-and-by the constable arrived at a deserted market-square, and proceeded to cross it. 后来,警官来到一个空无一人的市集广场,打算穿过它。
4. Constable was extraordinarily modern in believing that nothing could be intrinsically ugly. 康斯特布尔很前卫地相信没有天生丑陋的东西。
5. Fm Constable James McDonald, and as you may know, I'm the community police officer for the local area. 我是詹姆斯·麦克唐纳警官,正如你可能知道的,我是当地的社区警官。