1. Can you see Jupiter tonight, in front of the arrowhead-shaped constellation Capricornus the Seagoat? 今晚你能看到木星吗,在箭头状星座摩羯座的前面?
2. The meteors are called Leonids because they appear to come from the same direction as that of the constellation Leo the Lion. 这些流星之所以被冠之以“狮子座”的名称,那是因为它们好像与狮子星座来自同一方向。
3. Obama's budget, which aims to cut funding in certain areas while increasing money used to create jobs, would cancel NASA's Constellation Program. 奥巴马的预算旨在削减某些领域的资金,同时增加用于创造就业的资金,这将使 NASA 的星座计划被取消。
4. With the cancellation of Nasa's Constellation programme to return Americans to the moon by 2020, who is to inspire the next generation to finish it? 随着美国宇航局计划2020年重返月球的“星座计划”取消,还会由谁来推动下一代人完成这一计划呢?
5. The third part, now that Constellation is cancelled, is to encourage private-sector firms to compete, so as to provide transport to and from the space station. “星座项目”既然已经被取消,第三部分就是鼓励私人企业相互竞争,来为空间站的往返提供运输服务。