1. They were accused of contaminating the minds of our young people. 他们被指控毒害我们青少年的心灵。
2. It will let us eliminate the risk we would take of contaminating the samples if they were brought back to Earth. 如果他们被带回地球,会使我们消除可能为样品污染而承担的风险。
3. Among features, the pump's elastomeric diaphragm promotes high efficiency and delivers oil-free operation without any risk of contaminating the sampled gas. 所有这些功能,该泵的弹性膜片促进高效率,并提供无任何污染取样气体的风险的无油操作。
4. Answer: the response to an emergency involving radioactivity should be the same as the response to any emergency involving any hazardous material contaminating food. 答:对放射性问题突发事件所作出的应对与对食品受到有害物质污染方面的任何突发事件的应对应当是一致的。
5. Agricultural chemicals, pesticides, and fertilizers are contaminating our environment, poisoning our precious water supplies, and destroying the value of fertile farmland. 农业化学品、农药、肥料污染了我们的环境,毒化了我们宝贵的饮用水供应,并摧毁了价值肥沃的农田。