2. The archetypal extrovert prefers action to contemplation, risk-taking to heed-taking, certainty to doubt. 典型的外向者更喜欢行动而不是沉思,喜欢冒险而不是谨慎,喜欢确定性而不是疑虑。
3. Even in the busiest museums there are many rooms and many pictures worth hours of contemplation which the crowds largely ignore. 即使是最繁忙的博物馆,里面也有许多值得人们沉思几小时的小房间和画像,但大多数人都对它们视而不见。
4. There are some forms of art, those designed to be spectacles as well as objects of contemplation, which can work perfectly well in the face of huge crowds. 还有一些艺术形式,即设计成眼镜的形象和沉思的对象,在人群众多的情况下也能很好地发挥作用。
5. What we seem to be sacrificing in all our surfing and searching is our capacity to engage in the quieter, attentive modes of thought that underpin contemplation, reflection and introspection. 在进行所有的浏览和搜索时,我们似乎正在牺牲进入更安静、专注的思维模式的能力,而这是沉思、反思和内省的基础。