1. One area of contention is the availability of nursery care. 争论的一个方面是提供幼儿保育的可能性。
2. His case has become a source of contention between civil liberties activists and the government. 他的案子已变成了公民自由活动家们和政府之间的争论缘由。
3. This is an extreme example again, but it shows that the scheduling overhead of contention is not trivial. 这又是一个极端的示例,但它表明争论的调度开销并不是微不足道的。
4. Explicit corporate values, for example, produced a greater percentage of decisions that were stressful due to value contention. 例如,明确的企业价值观会导致更大比例的决策因价值争夺而产生压力。
5. Although explicit values created more value contention, they were nonetheless more likely to produce flexible, well-reasoned decisions. 虽然明确的价值观创造了更多的价值争夺,但它们更有可能使人们做出灵活、合理的决定。