1. Why not hold spider of the week contests in your home throughout this season? 在这整个季节里,为什么不在你家里举行蜘蛛周竞赛?
2. Will such contests, which are overwhelmingly dominated by Asian and white students from middle-class and affluent families, become any more diverse? 这种由来自中产阶级和富裕家庭的亚裔和白人学生占压倒性优势的竞赛,会不会变得更加多样化?
3. Few contests in the recent history of boxing have been as thrilling. 在近期拳击史上没有几场比赛曾如此惊心动魄。
4. Should we just blow up these contests? 我们应该鼓励这些比赛吗?
5. As a writer I know about winning contests, and about losing them. 作为一名作家,我知道赢得比赛和输掉比赛的滋味。