1. These kind of simple ideas are not contextualized well within a skill system. 没有技能系统的话,即使要想对这些简单的想法理出个头绪简直是不可能。
2. It is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form; it is abstract and de-contextualized. 它是语言形式所有特征的总和,它是抽象且脱离语境的。
3. One is bog simple-just a count of shares, but even the simple things are often contextualized to a very fine degree. 其中一个非常简单—只是一些股票计数。但是,即使是特别简单的东西也常常具有非常具体的上下文。
4. The longer you can put off design decisions, the more information you have, enabling a more nuanced and contextualized decision. 越是往后推迟设计决定,就能掌握越多的信息,从而可以做出更精妙、更符合实际的决定。
5. The communicativeness of lexical teaching can be developed from two perspectives:adopting contextualized approaches in the teaching form; 而词汇教学的交际性可从两个方面改善 :教学形式上可采用语境化方式 ;