1. In the conurbations in question, the number of households is rising fast as hordes of ambitious millennials pour in. 随着雄心勃勃的千禧一代成群结队涌进上述讨论的大城市中,城市家庭数量快速增加。
2. Refugees, it seems, are just like other human beings: they are trying their luck in the vast conurbations whose growth will continue to be a big social trend in the 21st century. 难民看起来就像其他人群:他们在大城市撞大运且数量持续增长,将是21世纪的社会趋势。
3. In some conurbations (e. g. the areas around Munich, Stuttgart and Frankfurt a. M.), house prices are rising at an above-average pace, but much more slowly than in New York, London or Madrid. 慕尼黑、斯图加特和法兰克福等都市圈的房价升速快于全国的平均水平,等也比纽约、伦敦和马德里等地慢得多。
4. we [will] end up with millions of small farmers all over the world being driven off their land into unsustainable, unmanageable, degraded and dysfunctional conurbations of unmentionable awfulness. 那么我们最终的结局就是世界各地数百万小农户被赶出自己的土地,汇入到不可持续,无法控制,功能退化失调,无以名状的丑陋城市集群中。