1. Stars like our sun fuse hydrogen in their cores into helium. 太阳一类的恒星在其核心将氢聚变成氦。
2. Analyses of these cores and samples provide a different solution to the problem. 对这些岩心和样品的分析为这个问题提供了一个不同的解决方案。
3. Findings from the upper sections of the cores have confirmed what scientists already knew—climate during the last ice age fluctuated rapidly. 来自岩心上部的发现证实了科学家们已经知道的情况:最后一个冰河时代的气候变化非常快。
4. But, unlike the cores of the inner planets, the Moon's core contains little or no iron, while the typical planet-forming materials were quite rich in iron. 但是,与内行星的核心不同,月球的核心几乎不含铁,而典型的行星形成物质则富含铁。
5. For the time before records began, we have only "proxy records" reconstructed largely from tree rings and ice cores, supplemented by a few incomplete written accounts. 在开始有记录之前,我们只有主要根据年轮和冰芯重建的“代理记录”,还有一些不完整的书面记录作为补充。