1. Authentic Romeo and Julieta Coronas. 正品的罗密欧和朱丽叶花冠烟。
2. 'I've been trying to get better shots of "coronas" on soap bubbles. This is my first try.' 我尝试在肥皂泡上拍摄到更好的日冕照片,这是我第一次尝试。
3. Authentic Romeo and Julieta Coronas. My uncle has the connection to get them. I can bring them for you tonight. 正品的罗密欧和朱丽叶花冠烟。我叔叔有关系能搞到它。今晚,我可以给你带一些来。
4. Results:The repaired residual coronas and roots recovered their physiological functions and the normal function of cutting, chewing and artculating. 结果:经修复的残冠残根能恢复牙体牙冠的生理形态和正常的切割、咬牙合咀嚼功能。