1. Quipsologies - Corralling the most relevant and creative on - and off-line bits that pertain to the design community. Quipsologies -网罗最相关的和创造性的和离线8位,涉及到的设计界。
2. These are the lifeblood of businesses, and it's no surprise that there are a number of approaches to corralling this data. 它们是公司赖以生存的源泉,因此取得这些数据会有多种方法就不奇怪了。
3. Ironically, a Japanese town where dolphin wasn't popular became the first to draw international attention to drive hunting, the practice of corralling the dolphins into a cove. 具有讽刺意味的是,一个对海豚并不太感冒的日本小镇却成为引起国际关注的首要地点,他们把海豚驱赶到一个海湾一网打尽。