1. His speech and manners became curiously ceremonious and courtly, to the vast admiration and amusement of his intimates. 他的言谈举止变得出奇地讲究而有宫廷气派,使他的密友们大为钦佩,也觉得有趣。
2. The waiter made a courtly bow and walked out of the room. 该侍者典雅地鞠了一躬,走出了房间。
3. This courtly poetry came out of the idea of chivalry and courtly love that you might associate with knights in shining armor. 这种宫廷风格的诗歌来源于骑士精神和宫廷式的爱情,你可能会把它与穿着闪亮盔甲的骑士联系在一起。
4. He wore a black soutane which gave him something of a courtly air. 他穿着一身黑色的祭司法衣,显得优雅高贵。