1. You can also add a splash of almond or soy milk for a creamier texture. 你也可以撒点杏仁进去,或者加点豆奶可以让汤更香甜。
2. Use lighter moisturizer during the day and a creamier moisturizer at night. 或者白天使用水质的面霜,晚上使用油质的。
3. Use a lotion formulation during the day and a creamier formulation at night. 白天可以使用液剂,晚上使用霜剂。
4. A creamier shade of green has traditionally been used to paint concrete and interior walls. 浅绿色调传统上用于涂刷水泥墙和内墙。
5. An easy solution, Iserloh said, is to try skim milk plus, which has added milk solids for a creamier taste. Iserloh说,一个很简单的解决方法就是给脱脂牛奶加料,加入固态奶制品可以获得更加浓郁的口感。