1. Some of the creepiest responses featured people who were haunted by the dead. 还有一些恐怖故事描述了被死者缠住的人。
2. I was always a little bit scared of forests, especially dark ones, but here is the forest which could be considered as one of the creepiest forests in nature. 我对森林常怀揣着一丝的恐惧,尤其是那些黑暗的森林,但这个可说是自然界中最令人毛骨悚然的森林之一了。
3. A group of people Shared the creepiest lines they could think of in response to a popular Reddit thread asking for the 'best horror story you can come up with in two sentences'. Reddit网站上的一则帖子最近颇受欢迎,要求参与者“用短短两句话写出你所能想到的最恐怖的故事”。很多人分享了他们所想到的最令人毛骨悚然的两句话鬼故事。
4. What is it about the simple songs of our youth and joyful giggling of children that, with only a slight twist in context, become the creepiest, most demonic sounds in the universe? 为什么纯真的童谣和小孩子欢乐的笑声,只需稍稍换个环境,就会变为世上最令人毛骨悚然的声音呢?
5. Security software maker, Panda Security, recently compiled a list of the most interesting viruses of the past six months. Among these are the creepiest, cleanest and most informative viruses. 网络安全厂商Panda Security最近列出了过去六个月中出现的最意思的病毒。其中包括最恐怖病毒、最爱干净病毒和最具资讯功能病毒。