1. I'm not advocating that we stop looking for incentives to move poor people toward self-sufficiency or that we stop punishing people for criminal behavior. 我并不是主张我们停止寻找激励措施,让穷人走向自给自足,也不是说我们停止惩罚犯罪行为的人。
2. From a criminological standpoint, it may actually cause more deviant or criminal behavior because of the negative effect on an individual's social identity. 从犯罪学的角度来说,这种做法由于对个人社会认同感的负面影响,也许事实上会导致更多的越轨或犯罪行为。
3. There\\\'s a double threat out there that may help explain poor school performance, criminal behavior, alcoholism, and the growing numbers of Alzheimer\\\'s patients. 有一个双重威胁也许可以帮助解释恶劣的学校表现、犯罪行为、酒精中毒和阿尔茨海默氏症的患者的增加。
4. On the purpose of restoring social relationship, compensating the injure to victim and making offender correct his criminal behavior to come back to the community. 其目的是为了恢复被加害人所破坏的社会关系,弥补被害人所受到的伤害,并使加害人改过自新、复归社会。
5. Punishment for juvenile misdemeanor offenses can range from probation to reform school depending on the seriousness of the crime and if there was any prior criminal behavior. 对未成年人犯罪的惩罚,根据犯罪的严重性以及看是否有前科,可以缓期执行或送到少年管教所。