1. He was arraigned for criminally abetting a traitor. 他因非法怂恿一名叛国者而被传讯。
2. In 2002 Arthur Andersen was found criminally liable for its shredding of documents and other actions linked to its audits of Enron, a collapsed energy giant. 2002年,安达信事务所就因其销毁文件以及其他为安然公司(一家已倒闭的能源巨头)所做的审计行为而负有刑事责任。
3. In the U.S., since the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was passed in 2002, company officers can be held criminally liable if the company's results are found to be tampered with. 在美国,从2002年塞班斯法案通过以来,如果发现财务结果被篡改,那么公司的主管就有可能被刑事逮捕。
4. The age of criminal responsibility under the criminal Law refers to natural hazards on their social behavior should be held criminally responsible must reach the age. 刑事责任年龄是指刑法规定的自然人对自己危害社会的行为应当负刑事责任所必须达到的年龄。
5. The 2nd item of the 17th article in the "criminal Law" defines that persons of assuming relatively criminal liability age are criminally responsible for eight kinds of offences. 《刑法》第17条第2款规定了相对负刑事责任年龄阶段的人对八种犯罪负刑事责任。