1. She's always cringing to the boss. 她在上司面前总是卑躬屈膝。
2. He pants cringing I love the danger. 我喜欢冒这样的危险。
3. Some people look forward to its opening, but I am not alone in cringing. 有些人热切盼望着它的开业,而有些人对此有保留意见,我就是其中之一。
4. And two, if your house is never a mess that you aren't cringing and hate me now. 第二件事,如果你的屋子从来不乱,你也不要奉承我或恨我。
5. A lane of dead bones, of crooked, cringing figures buried in shrouds. Spines made of sardine bones. 这是死人尸骨铺砌的胡同,下面埋着衣衫褴楼、歪七扭八、互相搂抱在一起的死人,还有沙丁鱼骨制成的脊骨。