1. This means that people should avoid crisping their roast potatoes, reject thin-crust pizzas and only easily toast their bread. 这意味着人们应该避免把烤土豆炸脆,拒绝薄皮披萨,为了烤面包容易点。
2. This means that people should avoid crisping their roast potatoes, reject thin—crust pizzas and only partially toast their bread. 这意味着人们应该避免把烤土豆炸脆,拒绝薄皮披萨,只烤面包的一部分。
3. This means that people should avoid crisping their roast potatoes, reject thin-crust pizzas and only partially toast their bread. 这意味着人们应该避免把土豆烤脆,不吃薄皮披萨,把面包只烤到差不多熟。
4. Good dispatching, rising and crisping. 具有良好的打发性和起酥性。
5. Crisp nut is made by pre-flavoring and crisping . 用仁用杏杏仁经预调味、酥化熟制制成酥香大杏仁。