1. It's used against people who criticize others 'work, especially when the criticizer is not that much better. 这句话用来讽刺那些挑剔别人工作的人,尤其是那些自己本身也做不好的人。
2. Behind a chronic criticizer is a person whose low self-esteem leads them to find faults in their partner because of their own insecurities. 这种爱批评别人的人,其实他们本身很自卑,他们总是抱怨自己的伴侣是因为他们自身缺乏安全感。
3. With a criticizer in a toxic relationship everything the other person does is a target that can be attacked, and often in front of other people. 在一段不良的关系中,爱批评的那个人会逮住对方所做的任何事情进行攻击,而且常常是当着其他人的面。
4. Luxun considered Nietzsche as an advocator for "der Wille zur Macht" and "übermensch", and a criticizer to western modern culture in the early period. 鲁迅早期认为尼采是强力意志的鼓吹者、超人的赞颂者和西方近代文明的批评者。